Steven Tripp Steven Tripp

Rally to Oppose the Illawarra Offshore Wind Proposal

It was a pleasure to travel down to the Illawarra to speak and show my support for the Rally to Oppose the Illawarra Offshore Wind Proposal.

It is a shame that the local community are not being listened to. There is clear and growing opposition to this project, but the Labor government pushes ahead anyway.

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Steven Tripp Steven Tripp

Is the Gen Z Backlash Justified?

“I don't wanna work my tail end off, wasting all of my life working, just to barely be able to pay my bills. “And that is what you created, not Gen Z. We're just here getting started.”

Published in the Spectator Australia | 5 April 2024

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Steven Tripp Steven Tripp

Aboriginal Elder: ‘White fellas saved us’

“Aboriginal life before white man came was not peaceful, children were left to cry, they weren’t hugged or cuddled or anything. Because they had to be fighting men.”

Published in the Spectator Australia | 11 October 2023

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Steven Tripp Steven Tripp

What I Learnt From An Aboriginal Elder

“You’re dividing the country again, it’s back to segregation. And frankly, it’s racist towards our White brothers and sisters that live in this land with us.”

Published in the Spectator Australia | 13 December 2022

Image: X-Candidates Podcast

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Steven Tripp Steven Tripp

What is Agent C? - NSW Government Funding Anti Far-Right Workshop

‘The aim of Agent C is to develop specialised training with and for young people in order to challenge divisive and hateful conspiracy theories and fake news. This includes but is not limited to far-right extremist conspiracy theories and fake news narratives.’

Published in Caldron Pool | 23 May 2023

Image: master1305 on Freepik

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Steven Tripp Steven Tripp

Big spenders: AEC reveals cashed-up Teals

The Australian Electoral Commission’s Transparency Register has revealed how much money the Teal Independents spent at the recent 2022 Federal election

Published in the Spectator Australia | 23 November 2022

Photo by David Peterson

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Steven Tripp Steven Tripp

(More) power to the people

‘If you were Prime Minister for a day, what would you do?’

Published in the Spectator Australia - 25 June 2024

Image by wirestock on Freepik

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