Commanding the Narrative Newsletter 23
Commanding the Narrative - Newsletter 23 - ABG Building Momentum
As 2025 begins, I have been encouraged by the feedback I have received so far regarding the launch of Australians for Better Government (ABG).
It is clear there is an appetite for a group like ABG to advocate for a better system of Government in Australia.
Commanding the Narrative Newsletter 22
Commanding the Narrative - Newsletter 22 - Australians for Better Government
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I have a feeling that 2025 will be a significant year, with a lot of hard work ahead. With that said, I believe it will be a positive year with a lot of potential wins.
Commanding the narrative newsletter 21
Commanding the Narrative - Newsletter 21 - Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Can you believe that saying Merry Christmas nowadays is something people question?
We are a society of people walking on eggshells.
Commanding the narrative newsletter 20
Commanding the Narrative - Newsletter 20 - FEARLESS
On Sunday I attended the Freedom Family Celebration at the Newport Bowling Club, which was organised by Doug Rennie.
Doug was nice enough to ask me to speak, in which I pointed out that the name of the event was significant. We continue to fight for Freedom, but at the same time we have built a Family
But I wanted to add a third ‘F’ word to the mix - FEARLESS.
Commanding the narrative newsletter 19
Commanding the Narrative - Newsletter 19 - Labor’s Primary Vote Now at 27%
In the last few days Resolve Strategic has released a poll which reveals that Labor’s primary vote is now at 27%.
This is a clear inditement of Anthony Albanese’s leadership.
Albanese has gone from one failure to another. The Voice referendum, the Misinfo/Disinfo bill, inflation, cost of living, energy policy - he has not put one foot right.
Commanding the narrative newsletter 18
Commanding the Narrative - Newsletter 18 - Australia Deserves Better
The Senate seems pre-occupied with grandstanding, profile building and settling personal scores, rather than focusing on how to best represent the Australian people.
What is worse, the majority of Australians are completely switched off from politics and are surely unaware of what takes place.